Monday, June 18, 2007

occupation: receptionist.

last week was rather slow as far as projects here at the firm. so, i've decided to take on my role as the ballet's manager again and turn my down time here into productive time for them. i'm getting quotes on merchandise, helping with shows and trying to get ahold of radio stations in the cities they are going to on tour. padraig, if you are reading this, you better have signed up for ASCAP already.

i got a job at Lucky Brand on the 3rd street prominade in santa monica. we get a 60% discount, so i'm going to be buying a bunch of new clothes. i worked on saturday from 2-11 during a huge sale, so it was pretty exhausting. good experience though, i've never worked in retail.

my old friend steffen called me monday evening to let me know he was in LA. Then he called me later saying that the place he was supposed to stay was really bad so he stayed on my couch. He looked for places tuesday and wednesday but ended up staying over again both nights. apparantly he found a cool place though.

my roommates both were gone for the weekend. i was too tired to do anything saturday night after working but sunday i worked 2-6 then met up with Ashley and we went to the beach for the weekly drum circle! i made some friends this time, one of their names was pete, and he gave me a bracelet. we are beach buddies now. israil got to the beach right as we were leaving but i got my camera! too bad it already missed a lot of good stuff, like our first day/week and trips here. hopefully there will be more good stuff to come.

stephanie, one of the receptionists has been gone so i've been filling in her position at the front desk with john. it's pretty easy, but unfortunately i'm not doing a whole lot. eric got to cover one of the assistants desks on friday. the thing is, i don't want to be someones assistant. i guess its ok for now, i'm learning some things but it's just proving the fact that i don't want to work for a big corporation.

last week i did start on a project, (Alyssa, another intern was working on it but didnt know one of the songs and i was singing it when i walking by so she recruited my help!) we had to replace a few songs for a zombie movie to songs from our artists so it wasn't so expensive. i was pretty good at that project.

i'm not on my computer right now but i swear i'll put up pictures soon.


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